Friday, December 8, 2017

Personal Motivation

Hello, friends my new article
Personal Motivation
All of us a desire to achieve something in our lives.we want to know that we have achieved something important, of Value , of Quality , or of Meaning .Being motivated to meet our goals means that we are able to

  • Improve our self-confidence.
  • Enhance our self-discipline.
  • Set examples for ourselves of what we can achieve.
  • Challege our to stretch beyond or perceived limits.
  • Reward ourselves for reaching our goals.
  • Enjoy the recollection or perks associated with reaching our goals.

The more that we are able to achieve, The more self-confident we become,Than the more self-confident we become,The more we are able to achieve. The reverse can occur if we fail to meet our goals. If we fall short achieving something, We may experience a dip in our self-confidence levels. Which in turn may impact our motivation to try again.Understanding this relationship between motivation self-confidence is important If you
want to be able to improve either quality in yourself.
Thanks Dear.

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