Thursday, December 14, 2017

Mojor Points of Motivational Processes

Motivational  Processes

Since self-motivational is usually generated by thought, our self-efficacy plays
a role as well, we use anticipation as a way to regulate our motivational   by
Imagining what we believe we can achieve. We then use our emotional skills to set
goals for ourselves and to identify what steps are necessary to achieve those goals.It’s more important to value effort than the final product. If you put too much importance on the end product.
There are actually three different subsets of motivational processes that come
under this theory:

  • Causal    attributions
  • Outcome expectancies
  • Self-Efficacy by goal setting

Causal    Attributions

In these instances, those with high self-efficacy understand that their failures are
a result of low effort ,which those with low self-efficacy understand that their
failures are a result of low effort, while those with low self-efficacy while see
their failures as the result of a lack of ability. Motivation can be affected in
either case because in the first, a person will believe that they simply need to
try difficult , while in the second, a person may believe that it doesn’t matter how hard
they try.But second way of causal attributions In addition to just-world beliefs, people have a more general tendency to attribute behavior to dispositional causes. Even when behaviors are undeniably caused by situational factors, people will sometimes favor dispositional explanations.

Outcome  Expecdancies

Outcome expectancies in these situations , a person believes that a certain outcome
will result in accord to a given behavior. we predict what we will get if
we give a certain level of input, assistance, effort, etc. If we have high   self-efficacy
, we know that we simply have to give that right input to get the desired 
outcome ,and will be motivated by that understanding. If we have low self-efficacy,
we either cannot understand what input we need to give or we simply don't think we
are able of giving it.The emotion and behavior are action of  outcome  expectancies.

Self- efficacy by goal setting

We will talk more about goal setting in a later we will be satisfied if we achieve
our goals ,and less satisfied if we do not, again self-efficacy plays a role because
it will affect the level of challenge and goals that we will set for ourselves. If
we see the goals as simply a function of the right activity
mixture, we will set i
it high when we have high self-efficacy because we will believe we can get the
goal. if we don't have high self-efficacy, we will low goals for ourselves if we set them at all. In other word  the   self-efficacy and goal setting are affected by self-observation, self-judgment, and self-reaction.

Thanks for reading....