Saturday, December 16, 2017

Relation Between Affective Processes And Selective Processes

Affective Processes

                   This element relates to how we perceive our own coping abilities.
If we face difficult situation and have low self-efficacy in this area , we are more
likely to experience high level of tension and dression. If we have a high a level of
self-efficacy related to our abilities to cope, we will be in action around resolving
the situation or getting through the difficult scenario rather than getting sink
down and stressing over negative outcomes that are either out of our control or
are very unlikely to happen.In other words, those with self-efficacy know that they
will be able of handling whatever life throws at them.Those without it will
experience a great deal of fear and anxiety and may not be able of coping with
      "This element relates to how we perceive our own coping abilities.If we believe
we have good coping skills we will actually cope with difficult situation better
than if we lack self-efficacy in this area"
In other words,
Affective processes reaches the emotional and belief system  angle of those who facilitate and participate in it. As an area of study, affective processes has been defined both by the types of educational objectives try to find in planning educational experiences, and through conceptual models portraying the range of impact possible.

Selective Processes

                    Finally, Self-efficacy affects us by influencing the decisions that
 we make for ourselves in our lives.Our level of belief in ourselves and our abilities
can figure the environments we choose, the educational path we decide on for , and the type
of career we pursue as well. If you are in an environment that you are unhappy with,
one question to ask yourself is whether or not you chose that position because you
didn't believe in yourself further in your eduction or the 'risks' you took at work to
prove yourself. The higher the level of self-efficacy a person has , the less likely
they are to 'settle' in a career that they don't find satisfying.

  "You want employees with a high level of self-efficacy because it is more likely
that they will have that they will have actively chosen their current profession
and so will be more enthusiastic about it"   
  Therefore,you want employees with a high level of self-efficacy because it is more likely
that they will have that they will have actively chosen their current profession
and  that they will be more interested in it and enthusiastic about it.
In simple words,
A number of factors can influence selective processes in spoken messages. The position from where the sound originates can play a role. For example, you are probably more likely to pay attention to a conversation taking place right next to you rather than one several feet away.

Thanks for reading

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