Saturday, December 16, 2017

Relation Between Affective Processes And Selective Processes

Affective Processes

                   This element relates to how we perceive our own coping abilities.
If we face difficult situation and have low self-efficacy in this area , we are more
likely to experience high level of tension and dression. If we have a high a level of
self-efficacy related to our abilities to cope, we will be in action around resolving
the situation or getting through the difficult scenario rather than getting sink
down and stressing over negative outcomes that are either out of our control or
are very unlikely to happen.In other words, those with self-efficacy know that they
will be able of handling whatever life throws at them.Those without it will
experience a great deal of fear and anxiety and may not be able of coping with
      "This element relates to how we perceive our own coping abilities.If we believe
we have good coping skills we will actually cope with difficult situation better
than if we lack self-efficacy in this area"
In other words,
Affective processes reaches the emotional and belief system  angle of those who facilitate and participate in it. As an area of study, affective processes has been defined both by the types of educational objectives try to find in planning educational experiences, and through conceptual models portraying the range of impact possible.

Selective Processes

                    Finally, Self-efficacy affects us by influencing the decisions that
 we make for ourselves in our lives.Our level of belief in ourselves and our abilities
can figure the environments we choose, the educational path we decide on for , and the type
of career we pursue as well. If you are in an environment that you are unhappy with,
one question to ask yourself is whether or not you chose that position because you
didn't believe in yourself further in your eduction or the 'risks' you took at work to
prove yourself. The higher the level of self-efficacy a person has , the less likely
they are to 'settle' in a career that they don't find satisfying.

  "You want employees with a high level of self-efficacy because it is more likely
that they will have that they will have actively chosen their current profession
and so will be more enthusiastic about it"   
  Therefore,you want employees with a high level of self-efficacy because it is more likely
that they will have that they will have actively chosen their current profession
and  that they will be more interested in it and enthusiastic about it.
In simple words,
A number of factors can influence selective processes in spoken messages. The position from where the sound originates can play a role. For example, you are probably more likely to pay attention to a conversation taking place right next to you rather than one several feet away.

Thanks for reading

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Mojor Points of Motivational Processes

Motivational  Processes

Since self-motivational is usually generated by thought, our self-efficacy plays
a role as well, we use anticipation as a way to regulate our motivational   by
Imagining what we believe we can achieve. We then use our emotional skills to set
goals for ourselves and to identify what steps are necessary to achieve those goals.It’s more important to value effort than the final product. If you put too much importance on the end product.
There are actually three different subsets of motivational processes that come
under this theory:

  • Causal    attributions
  • Outcome expectancies
  • Self-Efficacy by goal setting

Causal    Attributions

In these instances, those with high self-efficacy understand that their failures are
a result of low effort ,which those with low self-efficacy understand that their
failures are a result of low effort, while those with low self-efficacy while see
their failures as the result of a lack of ability. Motivation can be affected in
either case because in the first, a person will believe that they simply need to
try difficult , while in the second, a person may believe that it doesn’t matter how hard
they try.But second way of causal attributions In addition to just-world beliefs, people have a more general tendency to attribute behavior to dispositional causes. Even when behaviors are undeniably caused by situational factors, people will sometimes favor dispositional explanations.

Outcome  Expecdancies

Outcome expectancies in these situations , a person believes that a certain outcome
will result in accord to a given behavior. we predict what we will get if
we give a certain level of input, assistance, effort, etc. If we have high   self-efficacy
, we know that we simply have to give that right input to get the desired 
outcome ,and will be motivated by that understanding. If we have low self-efficacy,
we either cannot understand what input we need to give or we simply don't think we
are able of giving it.The emotion and behavior are action of  outcome  expectancies.

Self- efficacy by goal setting

We will talk more about goal setting in a later we will be satisfied if we achieve
our goals ,and less satisfied if we do not, again self-efficacy plays a role because
it will affect the level of challenge and goals that we will set for ourselves. If
we see the goals as simply a function of the right activity
mixture, we will set i
it high when we have high self-efficacy because we will believe we can get the
goal. if we don't have high self-efficacy, we will low goals for ourselves if we set them at all. In other word  the   self-efficacy and goal setting are affected by self-observation, self-judgment, and self-reaction.

Thanks for reading....

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

How Self-Efficacy Affects Function

Self-Efficacy beliefs can enhance human accomplishment and well-being in countless ways.
there are four major psychological processes that are important when discussing the fact that how
a person realize their self-efficacy can have an impact on their ability to function , perform
and achieve these four processes are .

Individuals form their self-efficacy beliefs by interpreting information primarily from four sources.

  • Cognitive processes 
  • Motivational processes 
  • Affactive processes 
  • Selection processes

Now we'll look at each of these in detail.

  Cognitive processes

                       We begin to analyze our ability to perform task or outstretch goals during the cognitive processes of thought. we will "rehearse" scenes in our mind or imagine what will happen
in a given scenario in an attempt to be prepared for, or even  control, the events that will happen
in our lives . we draw conclusions , make assumptions, and predict what we think will occur. we then
compare the actual result to our predictions and evaluate how well we were able to predict what would
happen. if you have higher self-efficacy ,you will also be able to manage your analytical thinking processes better under tension than someone who doesn't.
The most influential source is the interpreted result of one's previous performance, or mastery experience.
The next  three point are discuss in next article.

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

How To Way To Get Success


 Famous psychologist is considered an expert on concept of self-efficacy.He stated that people perceive their own self-efficacy as '' People's judgments of their capabilities to organize and execute course of action required to achieve designated types of performance.It is concerned not with the skills one has but with the judgments of what ever skills one possessed''.In other words,Self-Efficacy is an individual's evaluation of their own ability to be successful in get a specific goals.

Its means of self-efficacy
"Self-efficacy is related to our judgments about our own capabilities And what we believe we are not
able to do with those capabilities"

Dandura stated that the amount of self-efficacy a person has it is dependent on their ability to apply copping behavior,Increase their level of struggle, And how long they will be able to maintain their optimism .When facing difficult obstacles and addition,he stated that the more a person in tested by facing their fears and stepping outside of their comfort zones,the more they will enhance their sense of self efficacy.

If a person does not have a base level of self efficacy,They will be forced, to attempt a new task
or challenge,which could of course hold them back in them back in the workplace.The greater your
self efficacy,The more willing you will be to grow your skills by attempting new challenges,And the
less you will be affected if you don't succeed.

Sources of self efficacy

There are four main sources that allow people to build their self-efficacy.
These are:

  • Mastery  Experiences
  • Social   Models
  • Social  Persuasion
  • Emotional  States

These main point are discuss in next article.
Thanks for reading this article.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

How Improve your self Qualities

Self-esteem is the capacity to respect and think well of means that you realize . It is a judgment of oneself as well as an attitude toward the self. Self-esteem encompasses beliefs about oneself yourself as unique individual with your own set of skills, talents,and abilities.
Psychologist has researched self-esteem and realized that people's self-esteem differ from individual to individual when they are facing a setback. People who have a high level of self-esteem
will able to respond to a damaging event by using their past experience and their coping abilities 
and will not have much damage to their current level of self-esteem.they will still see themselves
as valuable and talented even if the current evidence seems to hint otherwise.

Self-esteem can defined as ,
"The capacity to experience maximal self-love and joy whether or not you are successful at any point in your life".

Some of the most important point to improve self-Qualities.
  • Handle mistakes and failures in a more positive way.
  • Life becomes simpler and lighter.
  • Be kinder towards other people.
  • Try something new.
  • Stop falling into the comparison trap.
  • Remember the whys of high self-esteem.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Personal Motivation

Hello, friends my new article
Personal Motivation
All of us a desire to achieve something in our lives.we want to know that we have achieved something important, of Value , of Quality , or of Meaning .Being motivated to meet our goals means that we are able to

  • Improve our self-confidence.
  • Enhance our self-discipline.
  • Set examples for ourselves of what we can achieve.
  • Challege our to stretch beyond or perceived limits.
  • Reward ourselves for reaching our goals.
  • Enjoy the recollection or perks associated with reaching our goals.

The more that we are able to achieve, The more self-confident we become,Than the more self-confident we become,The more we are able to achieve. The reverse can occur if we fail to meet our goals. If we fall short achieving something, We may experience a dip in our self-confidence levels. Which in turn may impact our motivation to try again.Understanding this relationship between motivation self-confidence is important If you
want to be able to improve either quality in yourself.
Thanks Dear.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Personal Confidence

We all know people who are confident.they seem to face life's obstacle with
a level of calm that is enviable.They get into action to respond to a problem
Before giving themselves time to upon be concerned too much.
Personal Confidence people are more successful work because they have a Belief in their own
capacity to the point that they feel comfortable handling Whatever comes at them make
presention to the board?
No-Problem the Confident Person plans and perform the presention without allowing
fear to stop them.
When someone, is confident, they.

The following tips.

  1. Focus on their strengths while managing their weaknesses.
  2. Aren't afraid to take risks.
  3. Enjoy challenging themselves and setting high goal.
  4. Seek out self-improvement opportunities.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Personal Development

Personal Development is a lifelong process. When you invest in your personal development you take task for your life, your situation and your think dreams and aspirations in future.You become the agent, the doer, and the affected. Personal development is not measured by financial, social or external success.